Spearfishing can be done using scuba or freediving and utilizes spearguns typically powered by elastic bands or pneumatically. Specific techniques have been developed for the various kinds of fish and environments in which divers spearfish. Similarly, divers, be they scuba divers or freedivers, collect prey such as lobsters, crab, scallops, and other species by techniques adapted for that particular area and species. Underwater hunting and collecting of game is a fairly efficient method as the hunter or collector can almost choose their prey and eliminate any by-catch.
But, this aspect of diving is not without risk. Remember — the underwater hunter is a diver first! Even while chasing fish, divers must always abide by fundamental scuba or freediving skills and rules. Second, the tools used in spearfishing are actual weapons. All due care must be used to ensure the divers’ safety and the safety of others around them.
Those safety aspects, coupled with sustainable hunting and collecting practices that follow local laws and regulations, will help ensure that future generations will be able to go underwater hunting and collecting and pass that tradition down to their children as well.
But, this aspect of diving is not without risk. Remember — the underwater hunter is a diver first! Even while chasing fish, divers must always abide by fundamental scuba or freediving skills and rules. Second, the tools used in spearfishing are actual weapons. All due care must be used to ensure the divers’ safety and the safety of others around them.
Those safety aspects, coupled with sustainable hunting and collecting practices that follow local laws and regulations, will help ensure that future generations will be able to go underwater hunting and collecting and pass that tradition down to their children as well.